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Cards, stickers, and prints ship free within the US. See individual listings for exceptions. Other items ship with a $5 flat rate shipping fee, or free shipping over $46. All items excluding stickers and greeting cards ship 2/3 day priority through USPS with a tracking number. Stickers + cards ship USPS First Class.


Damaged/Missing Packages


Contact me to resolve any damaged or missing package cases! For quickest results, please include photos of any damaged items. Glass Goat Soy Candles always ship with insurance, but we need photos in order to make a claim.


International Shipping


We are currently working on setting up international shipping. For now, international customers can shop through our Etsy store.


Customs + Import Taxes


Customers are responsible for customs and import taxes into their country.


I'm happy to accept returns on all items excluding clearance/sale items. Items must be received in original condition. Due to our free shipping policy, shipping costs on returns/exchanges must be paid by the customer.


Please contact me with wholesale inquiries!


We process payments through Wix payments and Square Point of Sale. These companies safely store and process your payment information. (We do not handle payments directly.)


We never share your address, name, or email address with any other sites or companies.

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